Roger Pfund
Roger Pfund (ur. 1943 - ) mieszka w Carouge, w Szwajcarii. Bez wątpienia to najbardziej znany szwajcarski grafik, znakomity specjalista w zakresie projektowania banknotów. Jego prace charakteryzuje bogactwo kolorów.
W wieku 27 lat zdobył prestiżową nagrodę na konkursie organizowanym przez Narodowy Bank Szwajcarii na projekt nowej serii banknotów. Jest także autorem ostatniej emisji francuskich Franków, serii banknotów Euro i projektu szwajcarskich paszportów w 2003 roku.
B306a (
B306a (
- P-15a
- Drukarnia: BdF
- 2006
- 120 x 66mm
- Sig 12
- Prefix A-F; 6-digit s/n
- Omron
- Watermark: Crescent moon, BCC and stars
- Pfund, R. INV
B307a (
B307a (
- P-16a
- Drukarnia: BdF
- 2005
- 126 x 66mm
- Sig 12
- Prefix A-E; 6-digit s/n
- Omron
- Watermark: Crescent moon, BCC and stars
- Pfund, R. INV
B308a (
B308a (
- P-17
- Drukarnia: BdF
- 2005
- 132 x 66mm
- Sig 12
- Prefix A-E;6-digit s/n
- Omron
- Watermark: Crescent moon, BCC and stars
- Pfund, R. INV
B309a (
B309a (
- P-18a
- Drukarnia: BdF
- 2006
- 138 x 73mm
- Sig 12
- Prefix A-C;6-digit s/n
- Omron
- Watermark: Crescent moon, BCC and stars
- Pfund, R. INV
B310a (
B310a (
- P-19a
- Drukarnia: BdF
- 2006
- 144 x 73mm
- Sig 12
- Prexix A-C; 6-digit s/n
- Omron
- Watermark: Crescent moon, BCC and stars
- Pfund, R. INV
B1017b (
Aviator Antoine de Saint Exupéry and his plane, artwork from "Le Petit Prince"
B1017b (
- F.72.2
- P-157b
Aviator Antoine de Saint Exupéry and his plane, artwork from "Le Petit Prince"
- Drukarnia: BdF
- 1993
- 123 x 80mm
- Sig 22
- Microprint
- Strap
- Thread
- UV: Sheep from 'Le Petit Prince'
- Watermark: Saint-Exupéry
- Pfund, R. INV
B1017g (
Aviator Antoine de Saint Exupéry and his plane, artwork from "Le Petit Prince"
B1017g (
- F.73
- P-157Ad
Aviator Antoine de Saint Exupéry and his plane, artwork from "Le Petit Prince"
- Drukarnia: BdF
- 1999
- 123 x 80mm
- Sig 21
- Microprint
- Penal Code: New penal code on reverse
- Strap
- Thread
- UV: Sheep from 'Le Petit Prince'
- Watermark: Saint-Exupéry
- Like B1017b with corrected spelling of 'Exupéry'
- Pfund, R. INV
B1018a (
Paul Cezanne with paintings "La Mer à l'Estaque" and "Joueurs de Cartes" (green stylized figures); "Pommes et Biscuits"
B1018a (
- F.74
- P-158a
Paul Cezanne with paintings "La Mer à l'Estaque" and "Joueurs de Cartes" (green stylized figures); "Pommes et Biscuits"
- Drukarnia: BdF
- 1997
- 133 x 80mm
- Sig 21
- Microprint
- Strap
- Thread
- UV: Silhouette of Mont Sainte-Victoire
- Watermark: Cézanne
- Pfund, R. INV
B1019b (
Engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel; Eiffel Tower with view along Champ de Mars at the time of the Universal Expo 1889
B1019b (
- F.75
- P-159b
Engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel; Eiffel Tower with view along Champ de Mars at the time of the Universal Expo 1889
- Drukarnia: BdF
- 1996
- 143 x 80mm
- Sig 21
- Microprint
- Strap
- Thread
- UV: Viaduct de Garabit
- Watermark: Gustave Eiffel
- Pfund, R. INV
B1020a (
Chemist and Physicists Marie and Pierre Curie
B1020a (
- F.76.1
- P-160a
Chemist and Physicists Marie and Pierre Curie
- Drukarnia: BdF
- 1994
- 153 x 80mm
- Sig 22
- Microprint
- Strap
- Thread
- UV: Atomic Name, Number and Weight of Radium
- Watermark: Marie Curie
- Pfund, R. INV